Sofia Dyak


Senior Fellow
s.dyak [at]

Professional Appointments

2010 – present
director of the Center for Urban History (Lviv)

2008 – 2010
projects coordinator, research fellow, Center for Urban History (Lviv)

academic coordinator, Center for Urban History (Lviv)


2003 – 2010
PhD Program at the Graduate School of Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw). PhD thesis “(Re)imagining Cityscapes: Lviv and Wroclaw after 1944/45”

2001 – 2002
MA Program in Central European History at Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). MA thesis: “Cinemas between Cultural Enlightenment and Entertainment: A Case Study of Lviv during the Brezhnev Era”

1996 – 2001
BA in History, Lviv University (Ukraine)

Paricipation in International Projects, Fellowships

2018 – 2022
“Open Heritage: Organizing, promoting and enabling heritage re-use through inclusion, technology, access, governance and empowerment,” grant within the Horizon 2020 framework

2018 – 2020
“ReHerit: Common Responsibility for Shared Heritage,” grant within the Prospect Program within EU funding for Ukraine

Shklar Fellow at Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University

Fellowship in Historical Dialogue and Accountability, the Institute of the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University

Visiting Fellow at the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam

Junior Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna within the Koerber Fellowship Program “History and Memory”

Teaching Experience

“Cities and Culture in the Cities: Soviet Experiences after 1945,” MA Seminar Course at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv)

“Public History: Questions, Approaches and Formats,” MA Seminar Course at the Kyiv-Mohyla National University (Kyiv)

2014 – 2016
“Public, Popular or Applied Histories: Practices and Roles of the Past in Society,” MA Seminar at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv)

Curatorial Experience

exhibition “(un)named” at the Odessa Modern Art Museum

exhibition “(un)named” at the Center for Urban History

exhibition "Sport and the City: People. Society. Ideology" at the Center for Urban History

exhibition “Home: A Century of Change” at the Center for Urban History

2010 - 2011
exhibition “The City’s Historical Legacy and Public Space,” part of the International Design Competition for the Sites of Jewish History in Lviv

summer program “Jewish History, Multi-ethnic Past, and Common Heritage” at the Center for Urban History (supported by the Rothschild Foundation-Europe)

Selected Publications


Impressions of Place: Soviet Travel Writings and the Discovery of Lviv, 1939-40,” in: Lviv – Wrocław: Parallel Cities? Myth, Memory and Migration, c. 1890-present, ed. by Robert Pyrah, Jan Fellerer, 2020, CEU Press.”

Nowa Huta, Where Art Thou?" A Review of Katherine Lebow, Unfinished Utopia: Nowa Huta, Stalinism, and Polish Society, 1949-56 (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2013) at Second World Urbanity Forum, published September 23, 2014 (

Local, Ethnic, Transnational: Discussions, Challenges and Heritage Practices in the Synagogue Square Project in Lviv,” in City and Renewal: Urban Studies, ed. Svitlana Shlipchenko, Vladyslav Tymisnkyi, Andriy Makarenko, Ludmyla Males, Ihor Tyshchenko (Kyiv, 2013).

Home: A Century of Change. Exhibition Documentation (editor), Lviv: Center for Urban History, 2012.

"Wpisywanie drugiej wojny światowej w powojenny pejzaż Wrocławia," w Błogosławiony kraj? Szkice o historii i pamięci Dolnego Śląska, ed. by Dagmara Margiela, Krzysztof Ruchniewicz (red.), Wrocław, Oficyna Wydawnicza ATUT, 2011, pp. 145-167.

"Tvorennia obrazu Lvova yak regionalnogo tsentru Zachidnoi Ukrainy: radiansky proekt ta yioho urbanisrychne vtilennia" [The Creation of the Image of Lviv as a Regional Center of Western Ukraine: The Soviet Project and Its Urban Realization], East-West: History and Culturology Collection. Issue 9-10: Patria, ed. by Volodymyr Kravchenko, Kharkiv: "NTMT" Ltd., 2008, pp. 75-86.

The Paradox of Remembered Harm? Empathy, Publicity and the Mobilization of Memory of Forced Migration and Forced Labor across Germany, Poland, the Russian Federation and Ukraine” published in proceedings of the conference “Beyond Camps and Forced Labour – 60 Years On”, London: Imperial War Museum, 2007 (on DVD).