Ia Eradze


Ia Eradze
Junior Fellow


Since February 2020

Doctor's degree in Social and Economic sciences (Dr. rer. pol.)

Since 10/2015
University of Kassel, Faculty of Political Sciences, PhD
Preliminary Title of the thesis: Dollarization Persistence in Georgia, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Scherrer

10/2011 – 11/2013
University of Kassel, MA in Global Political Economy, Germany
Focus: governance of the world market, financialization, theories of political economy
Grade A - 1.5

02/2009 – 06/2009
University of Tartu, Faculty of Euro College, Estonia
Focus: history of post-Soviet countries, eastern enlargement of the European Union

10/2007 – 08/2011
Tbilisi State University, BA in International Relations, Georgia
Focus: macro economy, economic integration of the European Union
Grade A - GPA 3.5

08/2006 – 05/2007
Mount Airy High School, Mount Airy, NC, USA
Grade A - GPA 3.9

Work Experience
12/2014 – 10/2015
Junior Analyst, Sustainability Intelligence Ltd

02/2014 – 07/2014
Internship, Deutscher Bundestag, International Parliamentarian Scholarship, (IPS)

10/2013 – 03/2014
Research Intern, Centre for Social Sciences, Georgia

10/2012 – 02/2013
Instructor of Self Organized Seminar “Public Finances”, University of Kassel, Germany

05/2011 – 08/2011
Research Intern at the European Centre for Minority Issues, Georgia

04/2010 – 07/2010
Intern at the Euro Atlantic Integration Office, Tbilisi Scholarships/Research Grants

Scholarships/Research Grants
10/2015 – 10/2016
DAAD Scholarship for PhD at the University of Kassel

02/2014 – 07/2014
Deutscher Bundestag, International Parliamentarian Scholarship (IPS), Berlin, Germany

08/2011 – 09/2013
DAAD-OSI Scholarship for Master Studies at the University of Kassel

02/2009 – 06/2009
Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Scholarship for the exchange semester at Tartu University

2007 – 2009
Tbilisi State University Scholarship for studying excellency

2006 – 2007
The U.S. Department of the State Scholarship, Future Leaders Exchange Program

Award of National Honors Society, Mount Airy High School

Research Project

On the crossroad of socialism and capitalism: the history of formation of the financial sector in Georgia


Reforming the financial system was one of the essential dimensions of the transition paradigm in the post-Soviet space. Even though banks have historically played an important role in nation (1870s) and state building (1918-1921) in Georgia, contemporary commercial banks and the central bank emerged as one of the key transition actors, in the early 1990s, decoupled from the state building realm. The history of banking is also the history of capitalism in Georgia, which crystallises state-capital relations, a socio-economic structure of the society, and the attitudes of the society towards credit and money.

This research aims to unfold the history of banking in relation with nation state building in post-Soviet Georgia. The project aims to identify financial elites, analyse the role of personal networks in institutional practices, depict changes in discourses on money, banking and the state. The study unfolds the first debates on the economic transformation, reflects on the role of global institutions, explores the formation of the Georgian central bank, analyses hyperinflation, traces the evolution of commercial banking and assesses the roles of these institutions in state building. The research not only dwells on the economic history of Georgia, but it also engages with the methodological task of (re)conceptualising the concept of legacy and state in the post-Soviet context. The study will contribute to the knowledge gap on banking history in Georgia, history of economic thought from the Global South, as well as to the theoretical debates on transition and postcolonial states.

Selected Publications

Publications/Research Projects

The Central Bank of Georgia on the Verge of Transition: Conceptualising Change and Historical Legacies (in preparation).

Unravelling Dollarization Persistence: the case of Georgia (Forthcoming), Routledge, London.

Taming Dollarization Hysteresis: evidence from post-socialist states (Forthcoming) in: Ch. Scherrer, J. Wullweber, A. Garcia (Eds), Handbook on Critical Political Economy and Public Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.

Financialization of Monetary Policy in a Dollarized Economy: the case of Georgia (under review), in: Cambridge Journal of Economics, Special Issue: Financialization in developing and emerging economies: Manifestations, Drivers and Implications.

Dollarization Persistence in Georgia in the Prism of State Building (under review) in: Globalizations, Special Issue: Stuck in Transition? Post-Soviet Spaces between Regions, Ideologies and Uncertain Futures. 

sakhelmts’ipo bank’is polit’ikuri ek’onomia [The political economy of the Georgian State Bank in the 20th century] (Forthcoming, 2021) in: L. Nakhutsrishvili (Ed.) sakartvelos demok’rat’iuli resp’ublik’a (1918-1921): pormisa da shinaarsis dziebashi [The Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918-1921): in quest of form and meaning]. Ilia State University, Tbilisi.

Imbalanced foreign trade, debt, and investment in developing countries: The case of Georgia (2021), policy paper, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Brussels, Washington DC


Sakhelmts’ipo, k’apit’ali da akhali ant‘agonizmi [State, Capital, and new Antagonism] (2021), Heinrich Böll Foundation South Caucasus, Tbilisi.


w’arbvalianoba da erovnuli bank’is roli [Overindebtedness of households and the role of the Georgian central bank] (2020), Human Rights Education and Monitoring Centre (EMC), Tbilisi.


erovnuli bank’is p’olit’ik’is dilemebi [Policy Dilemmas of the National Bank of Georgia under Inflation Targeting] (2020), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Platforma Ge.


samtomop’ovebiti indust’riis socialur-ek’ologiuri k’rizisebi sakhelmtshipos msheneblobis da ganvitarebis narat’ivebis ch’rilshi [Socio-ecological crises of the extractive industry in the prism of state building and development narratives] (2020), T. Qeburia, K. Eristavi (Eds) ekst’rat’ivist’uli gadak’vetebi: p’olit’ik’a, ek’ologia da sotsialuri samartlianoba [Extractivist Intersections: politics, ecology and social justice], EMC, HBS South Caucasus, Tbilisi, 146-171.

Corona Pandemic as an Amplifier of Socio-Economic Crises in Georgia (2020), in: Caucasus Analytical Digest, 115 (May), 3-7. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000415805. Available at: https://www.research-collection.ethz.ch/handle/20.500.11850/415805

I.L.A. Kollektiv (2017) Auf Kosten Anderer? Wie die Imperiale Lebensweise ein gutes Leben für Alle verhindert. Oekom. München.

Eradze, I. (2014) Costs and Benefits of Labour Migration between EU and Georgia, policy paper, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Südkaukasus, available at: http://www.kas.de/suedkaukasus/de/publications/39851/.

Eradze, I. (2013) Environmental Sustainability of Georgian Economic Policies in 2004-2013, working paper, Centre for Social Sciences, available at: http://css.ge/index.php?lang_id=ENG&sec_id=56&info_id=942.