Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 10:28

Natalia Otrishchenko has published her article "Looking Forward, Looking Back: Ways of Re-Connecting Urban Planning Education in Lviv. Studia Historiae Scientiarum 21, 2022, pp. 485–514."

The article was written within the project „Legacies of Communism?" and can be viewed at

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 - 13:59

Die von 1986 bis 1991 von Michail Gorbatschow geprägte Reformphase der Sowjetunion ist in die Geschichte unter den Begriffen von "Glasnost" und "Perestroika" eingegangen. Wie stellt sich der Forschungsstand zu dieser Phase dar? Welche historische Zugriffe dominieren? Diesen und weiteren Fragen geht Corinna Kuhr-Korolev in ihrem Artikel "Vor dem Ende der Sowjetunion. Ein Forschungsbericht zur Perestroika" nach, der in einer abgekürzten Form in der aktuellen APuZ-Ausgabe (bpb) "Umbrüche in Europa (nach) 1989/91" veröffentlicht wurde.

Monday, November 29, 2021 - 10:00

In the latest episode of the ZZF podcast Dr. Jan Claas Behrends, Dr. Corinna Kuhr-Korolev, Kateryna Chernii and Maren Francke discussed the changes and continuities of communist legacies through the prism of professional and personal networks, Russian museums, Ukrainian football and Hungarian university colleges. Check out the link to hear the podcast.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021 - 14:22

Berlin was empty when I got there. I walked through Tiergarten to Potsdamer Platz on one of my first days, and there was no one, like in a post-apocalyptic film. The rain and the cold contributed too, but mostly it was the lockdown, the last one caused by the original COVID variant, while the vaccinations were still rolling out. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 15:48

We are very happy to welcome two Visiting Fellows at ZZF. 

Adam Hudek from the Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences will be doing research in Berlin and Potsdam regarding his project "The second life of Slovak national communism in the 1990s" until the end of October 2021. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - 12:42

We are more than happy to welcome Iryna Ramanava and Anton Liavitski from Belarus as our new Visiting Fellows in Potsdam! They will be staying with us for two months each. We wish them a great time at the ZZF!

Wednesday, July 7, 2021 - 13:38

Georgiy Kassianov is presenting preliminary results of his stay at the ZZF: the link to his article (in Russian) is avaible here for anyone interested.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 - 12:31

We are glad to welcome Georgiy Kassianov - Professor at the Institute of the History of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - at the ZZF, who will be doing research in Potsdam and Berlin regarding his project Decommunization in Ukraine, the 1990s - 2010s until the beginning of August.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 - 13:35

We are very happy to welcome Kate Malaia - Assistant Professor at College of Architecture, Art and Design Mississippi State (USA) - as our new Visiting Fellow! She will be doing research for her project Taking the Soviet Union Apart Room by Room: Domestic Architecture Before and After 1991 for two months in Potsdam and Berlin.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021 - 10:05

Dr. Corinna Kuhr-Korolev is talking with "Der Osten im Westen - Podcast zur Geschichtsvermittlung in und über Osteuropa" about professional and personal networks in Russian museums during Perestoika. Enjoy listening! (in German)